Two loving parents, a beautiful, sensitive five-year-old girl, and three active two-year-olds, full of personality and ready to take on the world.
(You caught that, right? THREE two-year-olds?)
Whew! This shoot was so energetic and the kids so eager to smile for me (for the most part ;) I find myself struggling to make this merely a teaser. Whittling down my favorites has been a challenge. For now, we'll just get everyone represented... Scott and Jill will have to show you the rest!
The boys...

The girls...

The eldest sister, ready for her close up...

...and each of the triplets, showing their personalities.

These two made it look like no sweat!

I've been blessed by your blessings, Nelson family! I can't seem to keep my hands off your photos... your proofs will be up shortly over at the website!
Hey, that's my dentist! :) SUCH a cute family!!